
Make sure you have the required background (see below), identify your preference in terms of topics, and send me an email. Please attach your individual study transcript, including the list of all courses you have completed and still plan to take.

Required background (study programme)

For a thesis in this lab, students should have solid knowledge in the following subjects:

  • Algorithmics and Complexity (e.g. Bachelor CSE1305 / CSE2310 / CSE2315, Master IN4301)
  • Machine Learning and Data Science (e.g. Bachelor CSE2510, Master CS4220 / CS4070)

In addition, we expect:

  • good programming skills;
  • knowledge of university-level mathematics: Calculus (e.g. CSE1200), Linear Algebra (e.g. CSE1205), Probability and Statistics (e.g. CSE1210).

This background is readily accessible at the TU Delft via the CSE Bachelor combined with the CS / DSAIT Master programme.
We offer theses both on more fundamental computational/ML challenges and on more applied research focusing on biomedicine.

Master thesis topics (examples)

All thesis projects are aligned with our current research, or explore new research directions. Most topics are publishable in principle, but publication potential is highly dependent on the level and quality of the work delivered by the student. Note that this list is not necessarily up-to-date. Please contact me to discuss the most recent topics.

Research Partners